2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of September 26th,The municipal trading Group company organized all party members and activists to go to the Tongling Special Branch Exhibition Hall and the memorial hall of the first Party Congress of Tongling County,We will carry out practical activities under the theme of "Reviewing the Oath of joining the Party and maintaining the political character forever",Deeply cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs,Receive education in revolutionary traditions,This is an important part of the group's theme education of "Never forget the original intention and remember the mission"。

  In the activity, all party members and activists of the city Trading Group Company listened to the red past with high respect, recalled the eventful years, deeply understood the heroic deeds of the older generation of Communists, and deeply remembered the struggle spirit of the revolutionary martyrs。On the square in front of the exhibition hall of the Tongling Special Branch of the Communist Party of China, in the face of the bright red and solemn Party flag, everyone raised their right hands and clenched their fists to renew the oath of joining the Party, and every comrade present received a profound party spirit education, spiritual inspiration and soul baptism。

  After the visit, everyone said that we should take this theme practice as an opportunity, combined with the ongoing theme education of "do not forget the original heart, remember the mission", study seriously, work actively, give full play to the vanguard role of party members, and strive to contribute their due strength to accelerate the construction of a modern, happy and beautiful new Tongling。