2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of August 17, Comrade He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman of the company, presided over the Party Working Committee to "speak strictly" warning education thematic democratic life。Members of the Party Working committee of the company Comrade Zhang Xinhua, Comrade Fan Meixia, Comrade Tang Shicai, Comrade Huang Yong attended the meeting。

  At the meeting, He Chenglong on behalf of the Party Working Committee team for control inspection, with the "six focus six rectification" as the main content, closely linked to the "three combination" and "three checks and three questions", in-depth investigation of the existing outstanding problems, a profound analysis of the ideological root cause of the problem, put forward four aspects of rectification measures。Subsequently, He Chenglong combined his own thinking, work, life and style of practice, took the lead in making a comparative inspection, and actively accepted the criticism of the members of the Party Working committee。The other members checked one by one,When engaging in self-criticism,Everyone put aside face.,Look for gaps in your work,And dig the root from the party spirit;Mutual criticism,For the good of all,Dare to speak out,Raise opinions and point out problems in a realistic manner;When listening to criticism,Everyone has the right attitude.,Humbly accept,Make serious rectification,It really plays the role of looking at the mirror and waking up the brain,Achieved the "good effect, high quality" requirements。

  The meeting also informed the company's Party Working committee in 2018 to "speak strictly" warning education theme democratic life consultation situation and the last democratic life to investigate the problem of rectification and implementation。