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  On the afternoon of February 20, the signing ceremony of Shanghai Guimu Robot Co., Ltd. settled in Tongling Science and Technology Industrial Park was held in the group company。He Chenglong, Party secretary and chairman of the Group company, and Ge Ping, president of Haibei Capital, attended and witnessed the signing。Ling Changsheng, chairman of Tongling Science and Technology Industrial Park Co., LTD., and GUI Zhongcheng, founder and chairman of Shanghai Guemu Robot, signed the agreement。

  As a pioneer in the industrialization of global road inspection robots, Guimu Robots is committed to leading the transformation of major infrastructure from the traditional manual maintenance mode to the intelligent, predictable and accurate maintenance mode。The company has the world's top robot research and development team, has been awarded the 2021 Chengdu top innovation and entrepreneurship team, 2022 Sichuan Province "Tianfu Emei Plan" innovation team titles。The "road health automatic detection robot" independently developed by the company belongs to the world's first product,It has been supported by the key project of "Intelligent Robot" and the project of "Civil Aviation Safety Capacity Building Fund" of the major R&D program of the Ministry of Science and Technology,Selected into the Civil Aviation Administration of China airport new technology directory guide,Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation - Civil Aviation Joint Fund project,Selected in the Ministry of Science and Technology "13th Five-Year" national science and technology plan achievements。In 2022, it won the first prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Scientific Research Excellence Award of Universities, the second prize of Civil Aviation Science and Technology Award of China Air Transport Association, and was selected into the first edition of Airport Pavement Maintenance Manual of Airports Council International in the same year.,Now around the core technology and products,The company has completed the intellectual property layout of relevant algorithms, models, software, hardware and other achievements,A total of 379 patents have been applied for,Among them, 209 invention patents。The company will set up a new company in Tongling Science and Innovation Industrial Park, the total investment of the project is planned to be 100 million yuan, and it is expected to complete the mass production and sales of airport pavement inspection robots, highway pavement inspection robots and track inspection robots within two years after the project is landed。

  He Chenglong congratulated on the signing of the project and pointed out that Guimu robot is the first scientific and technological innovation enterprise to enter the park this year, and it is also the sixth enterprise to enter the park since the opening of the park in August last year, and the investment and introduction work has been fruitful, and the innovation-driven development has accelerated。The park should do a good job in service coordination to escort project construction and enterprise development。He hoped that the two sides will take this signing as an opportunity to deepen cooperation and open up a win-win future!