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  On June 25, the Municipal Investment Group and the municipal Investment Service Center went to Hunan Changde Zero carbon Industrial Park for research, and the general manager of the municipal Investment Group Zhou Wensheng, the municipal investment service center, the municipal investment company and other relevant responsible comrades participated in the research。

  Zero carbon industrial park as a mobile energy industrial park,Gathered a group of high-tech enterprises such as Funeng Bao Energy Technology Co., LTD,Focus on the development of electric vehicle energy package production integration, mobile charging vehicles, battery management system (BMS) and engine management system (EMS) production, mobile energy storage power station production, instant energy service network service headquarters and other whole chain industrial systems,We are committed to building a 100MW power fusion technology test platform,It has strong cutting-edge technology and market competitiveness。

  In Funeng Bao Energy Technology Co., LTD., Mr. Zhou Wensheng and his party learned about the enterprise scale, development status, technical advantages, scientific research and transformation results, etc., conducted on-site research on the 100MW level energy storage and microgrid test verification platform and zero-carbon park source network load storage integration demonstration system, and had a discussion with the company's executives。

  The two sides expressed the hope that they can take this visit as an opportunity to strengthen communication and exchanges, actively reach cooperation intentions, help the two sides to grow together, make common progress, and achieve better and faster development。