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  9月14日,The Party branch of the company's organs and the second Party branch of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission went to the Hangwuhu Yangtze River Railway Bridge project site and the Party branch of the Hangwuhu Bridge Project Department of the China Railway Bridge Bureau to jointly carry out the theme of "Party Day" activities,The team members of the Party working committee of the company, the cadres above the middle level of the organs and the staff members participated in the activities。

  During the trip, all Party members concentrated on studying the "Opinions on the term of office of grass-roots Party Organizations" and the "Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China" in the car。At the site of Shanghe Hang Wuhu Yangtze River Highway and Railway Bridge project, all party members collectively visited the construction site of Wuhu Bridge No. 2 main pier in Shanghe Hang and listened to the project introduction。At the same time, Liu Xingfu, commander of the construction Department of Shanghehang Wuhu Bridge Project of China Railway Bridge Bureau and deputy chief economist of China Railway Bridge Bureau, made a detailed introduction on the development history of China's high-speed rail, the achievements of bridge construction on the Yangtze River of China Railway Bridge Bureau, and the management of Shanghehang Wuhu Bridge project。

  Company Party working committee secretary, chairman He Chenglong said,Through this "Party Day" activities carried out,Personally feel "a bridge flying north and south,The grand scene of a natural gap turning into a pathway,The paper has a deep understanding of the major achievements made by China Railway Bridge Bureau in promoting scientific and technological innovation,It is hoped that through this joint "Party Day" activity,The exchange company, the NDRC and the China Railway Bridge Bureau can further exert their respective advantages and characteristics of party building,Take Party building as the starting point,Activity as the carrier,Strengthen communication,Jointly promote the construction and development of their respective businesses。

  Ho Chenglong request,All party members should take this visit and study as an opportunity,Further develop the "Four consciousnesses",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",Adhere to the "two maintenance",Achieve the "Five purity",Combined with the reform and development work being carried out by the company,Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members,Work style of "doing right away, doing hard work",Vigorously promote the company's reform, transformation and development, and project construction,Promote the party building work of the company to a new level,Provide strong organizational guarantee and strong support for the company's reform and development。

  Su Min, deputy director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and secretary of the Party Committee of the organ, also put forward relevant requirements for party building work。