2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Discipline inspection and supervision 

The discipline inspection Commission of the group company carries out education and rectification of collective learning

Source: Commission for Discipline Inspection Release Time: 2023-09-07 Visits:

  On the afternoon of September 6, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Group company organized the 15th collective learning seminar on the education and rectification of the discipline inspection cadre team。会上,集中学习了《欧洲杯官方买球网址》部分内容和《2024欧洲杯下注平台》、违反保密法律法规相关通报,并开展了第四期Discipline inspection and supervision干部应知应会测试。

  The meeting pointed out that confidentiality work is political work, confidentiality responsibility is political responsibility, confidentiality discipline is political discipline, all discipline inspection cadres should seriously implement the confidentiality work responsibility system, and effectively enhance the ideological consciousness, political consciousness and action consciousness of all discipline inspection and supervision cadres of the Conservative Party and state secrets。

  Conference emphasis,We should strengthen the management of secret-related networks and wechat work groups,Strictly implement the Ten Prohibitions on Online Behavior of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Cadres,It is strictly prohibited to use wechat group to transmit classified documents and classified work information;We must strictly implement the system,In accordance with the provisions on the Scope of State Secrets in Discipline Inspection and Supervision Work,Accurate determination of relevant information such as complaint reports, summary reports and accounts,Ensure the orderly flow of relevant confidential information and sensitive information in a controlled state。

  next,The discipline inspection Commission of the Group company will further strengthen confidentiality education,Effectively improve the awareness of all discipline inspection and supervision cadres on the importance of confidentiality work,Enhance confidentiality awareness,Comply with confidentiality,Implement the instructions and requirements of each department on confidentiality work,Do not step on the red line, do not cross the bottom line, do not touch the high voltage line,We shall ensure the absolute security of state secrets that we come into contact with, know and possess in our work,Nip risks and hidden dangers in the bud。